March 2022

Love is all you are, Love is all you’ve ever been, and Love is all you’ll ever be.

Every moment, you are at the same time moving away from and closer to Divine Love. Away from its purest expression at birth and closer to reunion with it at death. Your life then is simply the connection of one to the other; Time away from the divine to express what you’ve learned and who’ve […]

Love is all you are, Love is all you’ve ever been, and Love is all you’ll ever be. Read More »

A child will never ask you to explain why you lost your temper, that’s up to you.

We all lose our tempers at some point with our kids. I think explaining why and giving them the context as quickly as possible is extremely important, because it will insert the truth into their minds where a distorted story of the cause could possibly end up living forever. If you’re not familiar with the

A child will never ask you to explain why you lost your temper, that’s up to you. Read More »

Imagine if Neil Peart had deferred to his social anxiety and never took the stage

You and Neil Peart When Neil Peart was in high school He was the geek, the loser, the awkward introvert with hardly any friends. He also had a passion for drumming and writing. When other kids were hanging out, he was drumming and writing . When other kids were at parties, he was drumming and

Imagine if Neil Peart had deferred to his social anxiety and never took the stage Read More »

It’s impossible to move forward without both shoes constantly rising and falling.

The Other Shoe For most of my life, I found it impossible to truly enjoy the good times because I was always waiting for “the other shoe to drop”. What a funny phrase. Because if you think about it, it’s impossible to move forward without both shoes constantly rising and falling. One shoe, then the

It’s impossible to move forward without both shoes constantly rising and falling. Read More »

The fact is that sometimes the best we can do is to hold on to what we have.

Maintaining Sometimes your highest aspiration isn’t to achieve, crush, or expand, but simply maintain. And that’s completely fine. But seeing others in a constant state of forward movement (or at least with the intent to better themselves), can take its toll. Suddenly it feels like your goal to maintain what is good in your life

The fact is that sometimes the best we can do is to hold on to what we have. Read More »

Don’t worry if you’re not crushing your goals and feel like you’re falling behind.

Be Small Somewhere along the line we all bought into the fantasy of perpetual growth. We’ve somehow convinced ourselves that human beings can defy the laws of nature and just go straight up forever, with nary a dip in the trajectory. We’re fine. All the time. Or at least we should be. Really? Human beings

Don’t worry if you’re not crushing your goals and feel like you’re falling behind. Read More »