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Love is all you are, Love is all you’ve ever been, and Love is all you’ll ever be.
Every moment, you are at the same time moving away from and closer to Divine Love. Away from its purest expression at birth and closer

A child will never ask you to explain why you lost your temper, that’s up to you.
We all lose our tempers at some point with our kids. I think explaining why and giving them the context as quickly as possible is

Little bit Sasquatch is in wheelchairs but defend it for just being oh?
This is a voice-to-text of a thought “I just had to get down right away.” Something that hit me out of the blue that I

Imagine if Neil Peart had deferred to his social anxiety and never took the stage
You and Neil Peart When Neil Peart was in high school He was the geek, the loser, the awkward introvert with hardly any friends. He

It’s impossible to move forward without both shoes constantly rising and falling.
The Other Shoe For most of my life, I found it impossible to truly enjoy the good times because I was always waiting for “the

Find a way to discover the inner joy that is dependent on nobody but you.
Find a Way There is no “right way” in life There’s not just one path to happiness or formula for joy. We are all wanderers