Find a way to discover the inner joy that is dependent on nobody but you.

Find a way to discover the inner joy that is dependent on nobody but you.

Find a Way

There is no “right way” in life
There’s not just one path to happiness
or formula for joy.
We are all wanderers
blazers of our own trails
and seekers of our own personal divinities.
So if you continue to compare, judge, and see your life as something smaller than the miracle it is – stop.
Stop and appreciate the fact that you’re living a life like no other in history.

That this life, your life, is not only worth living but has a purpose far greater than you could ever imagine.

So find a way
Find a way to live on your terms,
in service of your dreams,
and above all, true to your own heart

Find a way to discover the inner joy that is dependent on nobody but you.

Yes, you will need more patience
Self Love and compassion than you might believe possible.
Yes, you’ll have to accept the hard times and honor the journey for what it will be.
But never stop trying to find a way
Because I promise, if you keep searching,
It’s there to be found.


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Great talk, Ed! Very inspiring for kids of ALL ages!

Jennifer Kimball

What wonderful insight into how to truly connect with your children and get behind their dreams, hopes and aspirations! Have not been this inspired by a TED talk in this subject since Dr Shefali.

Maria Sakkadas

So inspirational and a concept more of us parents could use to create better relationships that support our children. We have to be the role models but too often we didn't have the support we needed growing up, and this talk gives us such a simple way to be that, not just for our kids but for the community as well. Thank you friend. Brilliant.

Catie Cavanagh

Good job, Mr Goyette!! You’re even cooler than I first thought whenever Noelle talked about her dad or when I met you a couple times.

Adriana DeBlois