Little bit Sasquatch is in wheelchairs but defend it for just being oh?

Little bit Sasquatch is in wheelchairs but defend it for just being oh?

This is a voice-to-text of a thought “I just had to get down right away.” Something that hit me out of the blue that I felt was significant enough to quickly open the app and speak it at a stoplight. What I should have done was taken the couple of minutes to pull over and ensure it was done right.

I didn’t honor the gift
I trusted something unreliable with something irreplaceable.
I put the fear of being a minute late ahead of the need to express something important.

How often do you prioritize the tiny and insignificant over what’s truly important?

How many of your dreams, “I love you’s”, ideas, hugs, and kisses never happened because “You had to _____ first?”

I really hope “Little bit Sasquatch is in wheelchairs but defend it for just being oh?” resonates with you today, because when I said it out loud at that stoplight, I thought it was life-changing.

Take the minute. Honor the gift.


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Great talk, Ed! Very inspiring for kids of ALL ages!

Jennifer Kimball

What wonderful insight into how to truly connect with your children and get behind their dreams, hopes and aspirations! Have not been this inspired by a TED talk in this subject since Dr Shefali.

Maria Sakkadas

So inspirational and a concept more of us parents could use to create better relationships that support our children. We have to be the role models but too often we didn't have the support we needed growing up, and this talk gives us such a simple way to be that, not just for our kids but for the community as well. Thank you friend. Brilliant.

Catie Cavanagh

Good job, Mr Goyette!! You’re even cooler than I first thought whenever Noelle talked about her dad or when I met you a couple times.

Adriana DeBlois