Sometimes your highest aspiration isn’t to achieve, crush, or expand, but simply maintain. And that’s completely fine.
But seeing others in a constant state of forward movement (or at least with the intent to better themselves), can take its toll. Suddenly it feels like your goal to maintain what is good in your life in the face of whatever adversity you’re going through is nothing but stagnation. That if you’re not “moving forward” you’re somehow falling behind. This isn’t true. Life isn’t a competition.
The fact is that sometimes the best you can do is to hold on to what you have.
Sometimes not falling further, or letting your current circumstances get the best of you is all you have enough for. And that’s enough.
So if you’re just holding on and find that maintaining where you are is the best you can do, please understand that it’s just fine. Because when the day comes that you’re ready to move, you’ll be so grateful that you maintained and didn’t fall.