Helping Kids Find Their

Through an Action Mindset & The Power of Asking

Helping Kids Find Their

Through an Action Mindset & The Power of Asking

Ed Goyette

Life Skills Expert. Entrepreneur

Ed Goyette is an entrepreneur, author, and TEdx Speaker passionate about helping young people create extraordinary lives through the Power of Asking and an Action Mindset.

His company, Major Choice, inspires students to dive deep to determine the career and educational path that best aligns with who they are. Ed’s contributions in social and life skills education has earned him the designation of Global Presence Ambassador by The Global Presence, an organization dedicated to advocacy for a more dynamic process for Life Skills education around the globe.



Proving to kids that they have the power to create a life of limitless possibility is what drives Ed. Creating programs that help them find their purpose through The Power of Asking and an Action Mindset is how he does it. Ed has spent his life pushing boundaries and doing what others said couldn’t be done, while making helping people central to everything he does.

Major Choice – Making an Impact

Major Choice is the realization of Ed’s dream to create a way to impact the lives of young people at scale. Co-founded with his partner during the height of the pandemic, Major Choice helps students take a deep dive into themselves and the careers they align with best, so they can make those crucial first steps with confidence. This program has been life-changing for students and their families, and has saved them from spending tens of thousands of dollars and years of wasted time pursuing the wrong career. If you have a student who needs help in finding their next steps, or just needs some clarity around who they are, what’s important to them, and why, you can see what they’ve created here.


Ed Goyette, Business Coach and Entrepreneur

Ed Goyette has been on a diligent mission to change lives, create breakthroughs and a transformation in the lives of not only adults but also young people. He has successfully started over 10 businesses with a clear vision to make the lives of people easier. With a commitment to bring about a breakthrough in the lives of young children, high school goers and college students Ed has completely dedicated his life to entrepreneurship. He has also co-found The Thought Center, a values driven production company focused on enriching lives through education and Major Choice, an impactful production designed to help students decide a career path and more.

Ed has authored two books directed towards guiding small businesses on how to hire. His ‘The Small Business Hiring Guide’ is a digital guide for hiring the right talent for your team and retaining your dream team. He has also published a paperback ‘The Coffee House Hiring Guide’. This is a guide where Ed shares his hiring, training and retaining knowledge that he’s garnered for over more than two decades through his own top notch retail staff in his award winning coffee house.




As a motivational speaker, Ed’s quintessential recovery and standing up stronger than before success stories holds the power to inspire any audience. With hard work, constant perseverance and lots of sacrifice Ed has gained life altering experiences which he eloquently uses to motivate his listeners. He delivered an eye-opening talk where he recounted how one small but bold ‘ask’ made by his father almost over 30 years ago not only resulted in him having a deeper connection with his own daughter, but set them both on a path to seemingly impossible adventures. This was sure to inspire not only parents but anyone who needed their faith in humanity to be restored. Watch the entire video here as Ed eloquently captures his audience and gives them a lot to think about.

Yours For The Asking

 Ed Goyette, founder of “Yours for the Asking”, is a lifelong entrepreneur focused on helping parents strengthen their relationship with their children through a project called “Yours for the Asking”. This is an engaging program that helps parents put action against their child’s curiosities through the art of asking.

Books by Ed

Digital Guide

The Small Business Hiring Guide

Stop hiring from desperation and start hiring with purpose to build the business you dream of owning with this instant downloadable guide!

The right people can make or break your brand and finding them can be harder than that proverbial needle in the haystack. That’s why I’m so motivated to share my expertise when it comes to creating exceptional teams for award-winning businesses in my latest book

Digital Guide

The Coffee House Hiring Guide

The Fastest Way To Successful Staff Building.

Learn the keys to successful staff-building that author Ed Goyette has learned over the course of more than two decades of hiring, training, and retaining top-notch retail staff in his award-winning coffee house. This guide is packed with methods you can begin implementing today to achieve extraordinary results for your customers and employees!

What People are Saying

Great talk, Ed! Very inspiring for kids of ALL ages!

Jennifer Kimball

What wonderful insight into how to truly connect with your children and get behind their dreams, hopes and aspirations! Have not been this inspired by a TED talk in this subject since Dr Shefali.

Maria Sakkadas

So inspirational and a concept more of us parents could use to create better relationships that support our children. We have to be the role models but too often we didn't have the support we needed growing up, and this talk gives us such a simple way to be that, not just for our kids but for the community as well. Thank you friend. Brilliant.

Catie Cavanagh

Good job, Mr Goyette!! You’re even cooler than I first thought whenever Noelle talked about her dad or when I met you a couple times.

Adriana DeBlois

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